Stay connected with your customers - automate delivery.
Get a mobile app and website integrated with your accounting and sales software in 7 days.
How it works?
Customer orders
Your client completes and pays for the order on the website or in the mobile application.
You receive the order
The order comes automatically to your accounting program, for example, iiko.
You are preparing the order
The manager sees in the program a notification of the arrival of a new order and begins to prepare it without wasting time.
Order delivery
The order is processed quickly and the courier delivers it on time. A satisfied customer takes his order.

Courier App Integration - coming soon *
This is convenient - you do not need a separate operator to transfer work orders. The human factor is excluded, making a mistake when placing an order will no longer work. Customers will receive orders faster, as you do not waste time processing them.
You will receive a mobile application and website right away so that everything is in a single system.
Write us today. We will contact you, give you detailed advice and help you implement your plans!
Great opportunities for your clients.
What your mobile application and website will be able to do: on the example of food delivery.
  • Synchronization with stop lists
    Menu by categories of dishes and goods. If something of the dishes or goods is not available, then it is also not available for order on the website and in the application.
  • Synchronization with modifiers
    Also, all modifiers for dishes are synchronized, they will be offered to the guest. The guest cannot ignore the obligatory modifiers; without this, the order cannot be placed.
  • Autocomplete in the address bar
    The application is integrated with the address database in terms of entering the delivery address. There is no confusion for the courier, and it is convenient for the guest to fill in the address when ordering. And he will not be able to seal or indicate a non-existent address - this is important.
  • Online payment
    The guest can choose a payment method in the application and pay for the order online. There are also dedicated fields for specifying the delivery time and wishes so that the guest is definitely satisfied. All this will come to your accounting system, for example, to iiko, along with the order.
Connection conditions
* The tariff assumes a subscription fee from the second month of use.
You don't have a ready-made website, you want to quickly get a website and mobile app with the ability to place an order to start delivering food and other goods. Let's deploy a website and a mobile application for you with integration:
- promptly;
- at a reasonable price;
- taking into account your corporate identity.
From $67 per month
Write us today. We will contact you, give you detailed advice and help you implement your plans!
The answers to which, for sure, will interest you too!
Still have questions?
Contact us:
Phone: 8-800-511-31-73
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